Weight Loss
- Reductil: A Stitch In Time Saves Nine
- Obesity is a forerunner of many health related risk factors. The common proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine” gels well in such a situation. Applying to an obese, it would imply it is better to loose weight rather than to be victimized by healt...
- Consign obesity to dustbin with diet pills
- In modern times, a robust appetite is no longer synonymous with good health. Rather, it has become a precursor to obesity with all its attendant problems. Modern Irony This is because modern lifestyles are largely sedentary involving hardly any phys...
- How To Achieve Long Term Success In Treating Obesity?
- Obesity can cause serious disability and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, sleep apnea and obesity-related cancers. For example, a male below 35 years old who is twice or 40 kg above his normal weight is 60 times more l...
- Surmount obesity with Didrex
- Today, obesity has reached epidemic proportions in developed countries and is accorded pride of place among the health concerns facing their people. In fact, the percentage of obese individuals has almost doubled over the past decade in some of thes...
- The Truth Of Weight Loss Nutritious Supplement
- There are now host of weight slip dietary supplements on the market. Most incorporate vitamins and minerals that attachment the nutrients we can be chump from our regular diets. There are also lines that do not contain RDA or minerals, but other ing...
- Hottest Celebrity Workouts
- Celebrities work hard to stay in peak shape for the camera. Many have their own personal trainers while others are following a strict diet with plenty of exercise. * Oprah Winfrey used the "Total Body Makeover" from personal trainer Bob Greene. * La...
- The Atkins Diet can work for you. Here's How.
- If you don't know what the Atkins Diet is, where have you been for the last 10 years? The Atkins Diet is a low carb diet developed over twenty years ago by Dr Robert Atkins, an American heart specialist. It is one of the most popular low carb diets...
- Effect of Exercising Increased with the Use of Phentermine
- It is completely right that exercising can help in burning calories. But, exercising alone cannot help in weight loss because calories burnt through exercising are generally re-acquired from the food you eat. Through exercising you only lose the cal...
- Coach your diet to weight loss success
- So you’ve got another diet underway in your battle of the bulge. You’re probably anticipating more deprivation and frustration before you even start. Then a short time later you’ve added yet another failure to your long list of attempts at wei...