All you need to know about chickenpox
Chickenpox is a contagious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. It leads to a skin rash that is itchy and after a few days transforms into blisters. Chickenpox virus is transmitted by air and reaches a healthy organism by mouth or by nose. If a...
Acute bronchitis- all you need to know
The respiratory system is very sensitive and at risk of developing many diseases. Acute bronchitis is one of the problems you might have. The bronchial tubes get infected in acute bronchitis. This tubes carry the air into your lungs. When you get ac...
A 21th century pandemic
Since the beginning of human existence on planet Earth there has been one virus that has managed to pass through centuries and affect people all around the globe. It is known on all 5 continents as the the flu virus and, with the passing of time mor...
When do we know for sure if we suffer from acid reflux?
Acid reflux is a common discomfort amongst people of all ages. It is very important that we know what the symptoms of this ilness are, in order to determine if we indeed suffer from acid reflux. This is not a very serious condition at first, but it...
What to eat and not to eat if you have diabetes
A proper die is a very important thing in controlling the symptoms of diabetes. Taking in consideration the fact that eating disorders are some of the causes of diabetes, every one should know that a healthy diet is required if there is a chance of...
Urinary tract infections. Danger for whom?
The risks of a urinary tract infection (UTI) are different from one person to another. For example people with urinary problems caused by a kidney stone or enlarged prostate have higher chances of getting a urinary tract infection. There are many po...
Unsafe treatments for menopause symptoms
Menopause is not a disease. It’s a period in every woman’s life when her body changes. Symptoms are seen in many cases and have to be treated. For many years the treatment of these symptoms was replacing female hormones, estrogen and progesteron...
Thyroid dysfunctions therapy
Today’s endocrinologists are discussing about the best methods of treatment in hypo- and hyperthyroidism according to the specifically needs of replacing hormones. Most physicians base their indications on the use of levo-thyroxin which is in fact...
Streptococcus testing
The most common cause of the conditions related to a sore throat is the contamination with the streptococcus bacteria group A affecting about 5-15% of the adults with pharingitis and 15-30 of the children. Another similar condition evolving with thr...