Links between the thyroid malfunction and obesity
The thyroid dysfunctions as well as the obesity cases have the tendency to multiply very rapidly. Doctors have discovered a connection between the two conditions, and have also explained that weight loss intent might be blocked by thyroid problems....
How to prevent peptic ulcer
A proper lifestyle may reduce the symptoms of a peptic ulcer, so we should keep ourselves away from spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, smoking, taking NSAIDs and paracetamol, lose excess weight if overweight.A certain medication will be prescribe by y...
There are many types of treatments that can be use for Healing Acne Scar. With the development of Technology Healing Acne Scar has become very easy. Acne Scar completely spoils your skin so Healing Acne Scar is very important. Before going in for a...
The dangers of smoking and pregnancy
Even though pregnancy is a natural condition, women should be aware of the risks that pregnancy may face and also they need to be always in touch with their doctor in order to have an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby. In addition to this,...
Signs and symptoms of the autistic disorder
The first signs of autism occur during the early infancy and the disorder is usually diagnosed by the age of three when parents are alarmed by the abnormal development of their child. Infants mostly develop normally until the age of 2 when the growt...
Modern technology in Rosacea treatment
For those patients who struggle for years to cure Rosacea using oral and topical drugs with no actual effects, the modern medicine offers more sophisticated and more active therapy. The laser therapy is mainly used to reduce the caliber of the dilat...
Gallbladder and gallstones- useful things to know
The gallbladder is a small, pare like organ with a very important function in our organism. It is situated near the live, in the right part of the abdomen. Most of the food we eat is full of fat. Therefor our organism needs something to digest this...
The role of physical exercises for pregnant women
Pregnancy is a natural process involving changes in the women's body and also in their behaviour and lifesyle. Even though pregnancy is not a disease, it requires a special attention. For instance, pregnant women should follow a healthy diet and not...
Depressed while pregnant- Why is that?(part one)
As amazing as bringing a new life into this world may be, the price to pay is very big. Almost any woman want' s at one point in her life to have children, and are willing do almost anything in their powers to make their dream come true. What most o...