- About the malfunction of the gallbladder
- The gallbladder is situated in the upper right side of the abdomen, under the liver and above the duodenum. Its function is to transport the bile produced by the liver into the small intestine when needed. Bile is requested after eating because it i...
- A thing or two about scabies
- One of the many skin disease that people may suffer from is scabies. This is contagious disease caused by small insects, called scabies mites. The female of this species, gets into your skin and starts laying eggs. About three eggs are laid daily. T...
- A few things about fibromyalgia syndrome and its effects
- Although it is the most common cause of widespread pain, fibromyalgia can remain undiagnosed for a long time, and often doctors put misdiagnosis, causing disasters in the lives of the patients. It is not known exactly how many people have fibromyalg...
- What means reflux disease ?
- The gastroesophageal reflux disease named GERD can be found at the level of esophagus,which becomes irritated or inflamed because of acid backing up from the stomach.The tube stretching from the throat to the stomach is called esophagus which is tra...
- Usage of oral medication to treat diabetes
- The normal action of oral medication in fighting hypoglycemia is that is somehow tells the body to produce insulin, the insulin its self afterwards reducing the level of glucose in the blood. These medication are usually taken if dieting and exercis...
- Treatments for urinary tract infections
- UTI or urinary tract infections represent a problem for the urinary system because the most important organ of this system can be affected. Kidneys are a pair of organs that help the body to get rid of the excess liquids and wastes. It also helps in...
- Treatments for each menopause symptom
- Menopause is a period in every woman’s life when their bodies suffer some changes. Around the age of 50 most of the women enter menopause. It’s a normal thing in a woman’s life especially at that age. Symptoms are different for each woman and...
- Tips to preventing anorexia
- Anorexia is a very common disease, especially among teenagers. They find themselves at that terrifying age when they do not know what path to take, what they like and hormones are giving parties in their organism. So as a parent it is your responsib...
- The thyroid gland claims victims
- It is of a small shape and strategically placed at the bottom of the neck. Made of two lobes and an isthmus, that connects the two parts, the thyroid gland is claiming more and more victims each year. Most of us don't even know what it's purpose is...