Difficulties in prescribing a good medication treatment in acute Bronchitis
It is usual for some doctors to prescribe antibiotics in some diseases even if they aren't necessary. Antibiotics have been prescribed for years in acute Bronchitis too , but they are not a solution for this disease. Bronchitis is caused by the infl...
All you need to know about Anorexia Nervosa
A more and more common disease in the XXI century, anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder manifesting itself in the mind of the pacient, cousing them to think they are always overweight. Begining at puberty, when self awareness usually apears in tee...
Which is best: drugs or diet?
Many people today suffer from cholesterol problems and the number grows larger every day. One reason for this might be that people are too busy with work, school , family to worry about the food that they eat. Most of us just grab a snack, or eat fr...
What can affect our lungs?
There are many problems that can affect a very important part of our body, the lungs. Bronchitis is one of these diseases. It can be very unpleasant and even generate many more problems. It is a respiratory problem that takes place when the mucous m...
What is paraesopahgeal hiatus hernia?
The hiatus hernia occurs when the stomach manages to climb up into the chest through a weakened diaphragmatic opening. When the esophageal hiatus suffers from different causes, the upper side of the stomach is allowed to slip beside the esophagus an...
Unknown causes of sinus infections
Sinusal infections are a very common disorder of the sinuses, known for causing the patient a high deal of pain and discomfort. The etiopathology of these infections is very multifold as it implies especially all sorts of allergies but also genetic...
Treating acid reflux at home- good or bad?
Treatments for acid reflux are various and usually depend from a person to another. The thing we are all wondering at some point is: is it good to treat acid reflux in the privacy of our own home. Well, let me tell you that this is an option that yo...
The signs and symptoms that unmask anorexia
We can define two categories of anorexia, but it is known that these categories often overlap and also the lines between them become blurred. In both cases, the basic characteristic is that those persons are quite emaciated. The two categories of an...
Statistic data on Leukemia
Leukemia is the blood cancer form and originates in a malfunctioning bone marrow that tends to produce abnormal red and white cells in an increased rate. The most important four types of Leukemia are the acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia and th...