- Do Acne Scar Treatment Products Really Remove Acne Scars?
- The most irritating part about acne is the scar it leaves behind. After all the hard work is done, you still have another problem to deal with. Acne scars cannot be avoided, but they can be minimized. By not popping the acne, you will help reduce th...
- General discussion about urinary tract infections (UTI)
- During their lives humans can suffer from various types of infections. One of these infections, that became more and more common in the last years, is urinary tract infection. Women are more exposed to this kind of infection than men. The reasons fo...
- General information about type 2 diabetes
- In the cases of patients suffering from diabetes we see that the levels of glucose are above normal. Generally after a person has just eaten, reaching the stomach, the food is broken down into a sugary substance called glucose. Being the stuff that...
- General information about chicken pox
- Chickenpox is a common childhood disease caused by a virus. The virus is called the varicella-zoster virus. A highly contagious disease it an be easily spread through air or touch between members of the same family, kids at school and even at your p...
- Dysfunctions of the thyroid
- The thyroid gland is a small formation at the base of the throat with a major role in the energetic metabolism of the cells. Diseases of the gland appear when the thyroid cells tend to work to fast or to slow and the adjacent symptoms in the body oc...
- Consequences and causes of menopause
- Menopause is a normal phenomenon. Women are affected by changes during their life, and one of these important changes is menopause. In most of the cases, between 45 and 55 years, in a woman’s life a great change is happening because period stops a...
- Causes, risk factors and diagnosis of kidney infection
- Bacteria can infect your kidneys by way of your bloodstream, or, by entering your urinary tract through the urethra and starting to multiply. Infections that come through your bloodstream usually have their origin at another infected area of your bo...
- Causes and symptoms of streptococcus infections
- Infections caused by the bacteria streptococcus are represented especially by irritation and inflammation of the back throat and tonsils. The symptoms occur sudden and are represented by fever and severe throat pains. Sore throats can be triggered b...
- Anorexia is a serious disease that needs to be unmasked in early stages
- Anorexia is an illness that comes with loss of weight, physical and emotional problems. It is not a bad thing to lose weight but the affected persons lose too much weight and their lives are put into danger. Besides this clear loss of weight anorexi...