- A few facts that you should know about gout
- High levels of uric acid in the body will form crystals in the joints, and the result will be pain and inflammation. In fact, this is a type of arthritis, which is named gout. Foods that contain high quantities of protein and purines were thought th...
- Acne is caused when the pores of the Skin get affected by Oil and dead skin cells. Today Acne Scar Removal has become as simple child play. There are several ways one can adopt for Acne Scar Removal. Its best to recommend a skin doctor before one go...
- The importance of detecting ovarian cancer in early stages
- Treating the ovarian cyst is a matter that depends on a lot of factors. Some of them are the dimension and the appearance of the cyst, whether there are or not symptoms, or if you have been through the menopause. Sometimes, pre-menopausal women who...
- The Basics about Bird Flu
- Avian influenza is a natural infection in wild birds, which are actually carriers without ever being affected by the disease. Never the less, the avian flu can be passed to domestic poultry through various types of contact such as sharing the same f...
- Symptoms found in chicken pox and shingles
- Symptoms of Chickenpox ( varicella ) may vary from pacient to pacient making us see people that have headaches, flue like symptoms or even fever, that in some cases can reach 105 F, and swollen glands are also included. The incubation period of the...
- Some things you have to know about the gastroesophageal reflux disease
- When the liquid content of the stomach refluxes into the esophagus, we can say that we have a condition common in gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is believed that the acid is the component of the stomach liquid that does the most harm to the lin...
- Some aspects that concern fibromyalgia
- Fibromyalgia is a biochemical disorder, it affects all the body. It is known that this syndrome has nothing to do with the fibers of the muscles, the problem is at the central nervous system. It is known that the fibromyalgia syndrome is not progres...
- Shingles and chickenpox are caused by the same virus
- Some time ago, shingles and chickenpox were considered to be diseases with no relationship between. Time has passed and scientists discovered that both diseases are causes by the same virus, the varicella-zoster virus. This virus belongs to the herp...
- One type of bronchitis- acute bronchitis
- This type of bronchitis, the acute form usually starts about five days after you have had an respiratory infection. If you have had a flu or cold, about five days after, you will experience bronchitis symptoms. The most common symptoms for acute bro...