- What Can I Do For My Acne?
- Acne is the development of inflamed pores due to a buildup of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria inside the pore. Many people struggle with large outbreaks that can be difficult to deal with both emotionally and physically. But this is the modern da...
- Will This Help My Acne?
- It is sad, but true. Whatever the reasons behind it may be, you have acne. The pores in your skin are becoming clogged with debris, bacteria, and dead cells. Blackheads, red and inflamed pores, and other blemishes have begun to tarnish your once cle...
- Acne Skin Care
- It is estimated that nearly 90% of all teenagers will experience some degree of acne in their lifetime. Additionally, one out of every four adults will also develop acne. Is there anything that can be done using natural skin care to avoid this unfor...
- The type of staging in colorectal cancer
- The colorectal cancer can be staged in different ways. One of the most used classifications is the TNM classification. Generally after surgery the TNM classification is done and this is combined with other information in order to determine the cance...
- The lupus signs and symptoms
- There are many symptoms that can indicate lupus, but many of them are very similar to other medical conditions. There are people who suffer from lupus and only have a few symptoms, whereas other have more lupus signs. However, there are some signs t...
- Some things you need to know to understand hernias
- It was seen that hernia affects a lot of people, for example in the United States, every year, 750.000 persons seek treatment for hernia, and it is known that there are other hundreds of thousands who don’t go to the doctor because they are afraid...
- Some facts about the sore throat
- When we talk about a sore throat, we refer to a painful inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the pharynx. This condition is also called pharyngitis, and usually, it is associated with colds or influenza. It is known that sore throats usually...
- More details about the symptoms of scabies
- To ensure the best treatment it is vital to know exactly the symptoms of scabies and to identify them in order to prevent the infestation in community. Under the outer layer of the skin the mite lays eggs in the burrows or tunnels. Its presence caus...
- Medical emergency-peritonitis
- Peritonitis, an infection of the lining of abdominal cavity is the most serious complication of appendicitis. When appendix ruptures (perforates) and the contents of intestines and infectious organisms invade the peritoneal cavity peritonitis may oc...