What is done after colon cancer is diagnosed?
In order to decide what treatment is best for the patient the doctor will stage the cancer after it has been diagnosed to see how much it has affected the inner layers of the colon and if it has spread to other organs. In order to stage a cancer the...
Useful information regarding the treatment and prevention of scabies
In mankind health problems scabies has its place. Caused by the agent Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis and transmitted from persons pertaining to groups by skin to skin contact. Even if the mites do not survive long off the skin they are transmitted th...
Treatments for pneumonia
The treatment for the different pneumonia types depends on the pathognomonic agent that is causing it; bacterial pneumonia can be deled with by antibiotics but these are however no good when the condition is caused by a virus or fungi. Infective pne...
Treatment in high cholesterol cases
There are three types of cholesterol: total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, which is bad. To treat cholesterol actually means to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol that one has in his/ her blood. Thi...
Tips on managing the symptoms of fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a disease which manifests very much alike with flu. It gives muscular pains and tiredness, and can disturb the sleep. It can also be characterized by tender spots which are felt mostly in the neck, spine, shoulders and hips. The atta...
The role of the gall bladder
A special system was created for the digestion and the absorption of the gall bladder through the intestinal wall. Since it contains substances that allow fats to be emulsified because the bile is an essential factor for these. The breakdown of fats...
The proper bronchitis treatment
If you are diagnosed by the doctor with bronchitis the best thing to do is to get the best treatment for bronchitis, in order to avoid any complications. There are many treatments available for bronchitis. The main concern when suffering from bronch...
Symptoms, problems that can appear and treatment for strep throat
Strep throat is a bacterial throat infection caused by Group A streptococcus bacteria. This infection can show several symptoms. There can appear decreased appetite, swollen lymph glands in the neck, fever, chills, and sometimes symptoms of stomach...
Symptoms, causes, treatment and other things about autism
Autism is a pervasive development disorder, it affects the way a person communicates and relates to other people. Children affected by this disorder have problems with the understanding of reality, interacting with people, places, events, sounds and...