Home tests for pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman’s life. After the conception each woman wants to be certain of its pregnancy. Women usually avoid seeing a doctor if they are not certain. That is why home pregnancy tests were developed. F...
General information about ulcer
Peptic ulcer is a very common disease across the world affecting a lot of people. Modern scientists have started to make serious brake troughs in understanding and fighting this disease. because of this we now have the ability to use numerous treatm...
Gall bladder and gallstones
The gall bladder is a very small organ which is found next to your liver. The gall bladder' s role is to store bile, a substance used for digestion. The bile in mixture with other chemicals form gallstones. These gallstones are very dangerous becaus...
Facts about sore throat and ear infections
Many parents have a lack of information when coming to deal with affections their children develop. In most of the cases they get worried over nothing and exaggerate over mild and temporary diseases their children have at some moment in life. The mo...
During menopausal crisis physical exercises are recommended
Researchers recommend physical exercises for women in the first years of menopause for maintaining health status, stronger bones, lower cholesterol, better moods, slimmer waists, fewer migraines, stronger muscles, reduced insomnia. Exercises are sai...
Diagnosing multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an inflammation of your central part of the nervous system. To proper diagnose multiple sclerosis, the doctor has to find lesions in this part of your nervous system. Furthermore, those lesions must be disseminated in space as...
Decisions concerning treatment in acute myelogenous leukemia
Leukemia, especially the acute myelogenous leukemia, which is the most common, is a very serious disease. This condition can go from bad to worse very quickly. Talking to your doctor about the treatment options that are available for you is crucial...
Characterizes of the autism
Even they seem indifferent, remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others, people with autism live isolated in their own world. Those with a baffling brain disorder can display a white range of symptoms and disability. They are incapable...
Brain damage in schizophrenic people
Scientists are still trying to understand why people develop this disorder, and even more what are the factors that lead to the appearance of schizophrenia. One thing is certain: a single factor is not responsible for the triggering of the disease....