- Prostate cancer vaccine allows patients to live longer
- Yesterday, the first conclusions of a study on prostate cancer patients were made public. It seems that for the first time in history a cancer vaccine is delaying the progression of the disease and patients can live longer. This vaccine was desperat...
- Non Hodgkin' s disease- a lymphoma type
- Lymphoma is the type of cancer that affects your lymphatic system. There are two main lymphoma types: Hodgkin' s lymphoma and non Hodgkin' s lymphoma. The second type of lymphoma was a fairly rare disease a few decades back. Nowadays, the number of...
- New information on pneumonia treatment and prevention
- Surgery If pneumonia gets complicated with empyema, abscess, then one might need surgical procedures such as: thoracotomy, thoracentesis. Chest tubes are needed to drain the infected fluid, they remain in place for 1-3 days and may perforate the dia...
- Medication for preventing a gout attack
- A gout is a type of arthritis, which is the inflammation of your joints. In got cases, the attacks cause severe pain, sewlling and redness. These gout attack symptoms happen very sudden, without any further warning. To heal a gout case is impossible...
- Lifestyle changes in acid reflux cases
- Two major methods are known when it comes to acid reflux treatment. Lifestyle changes and medication are then main treatments for acid reflux patients. Changes in your lifestyle One of the two methods used in treating an acid reflux case is the modi...
- Intense home care in Acute Bronchitis
- In acute bronchitis the most important is to stay calm and relax. Camomille tea and chicken soup are said to be the best remedies. Because sometimes bronchitis is mistaken with a simple flu patients try to treat it on their own. Emergen –C style v...
- Information about functional ovarian cysts
- In most of the cases the functional ovarian cysts prove to be harmless, do not cause pain or other symptoms, and disappear after some time even without a special treatment. In case treatment must be applied the doctors think of prescribing a treatme...
- Concerns about bird flu outbreaks
- A quick spreading virus was reported in Asia and Europe. The avian influenza A (H5N1) is a contagious virus that easily spreads among birds and may lead to death in most of the cases. Outbreaks of avian influenza H5N1 have been reported in countries...
- Skin Care Treatment Products for Acne May Exacerbate the Problem
- Although acne is generally considered to be an 'oily skin' problem caused by excess sebum production, those with dry skin are just as susceptible. In fact, it is possible that that adult acne - now affecting about 20 percent of the population and cl...