orAcomplia: Taming obesity
What comes to your mind when you think of obesity? Does physical and mental torture come to your mind? Obesity is a dietary disorder which has engulfed many in its trap far and wide. An obese besides trying to struggle with his excessive weight, als...
Work out and make life happy
Happiness is a must in a human life, it is said that a happy life is a worth living. A person can remain happy only if he is perfect health. Perfect health includes correct living style that comprises of eating carefully and burning calories even mo...
The SEZ Act 2005, which came into force on February 10, 2006 is expected to facilitate large flow of foreign and domestic investment to the SEZs, and contribute to improvements in infrastructure and productive capacity, generation of additional econ...
The Most Dangerous Attack You'll ever face
The Most Dangerous Attack You'll ever face The most dangerous attack you'll ever face is when you're outnumbered. There could be 2 or 3 of them or there could be 20. What would you do? So many have asked me this question that I've decided to answer...
Get fit and say no to health problems in life
Your life is not a rehearsal. This is it - the main show. If you are not happy with how your life has panned out or is unfolding, make the necessary changes. Fitness is termed to be the most important part of an individual. It is perceived that a fi...
Getting to the Core of Exercise
Core conditioning is a fitness buzz word these days but few are actually doing it correctly. Many confuse it with abdominal training when in fact the core covers your body from your groin to your shoulders (front, side, back and inside-out). Your co...
Personal Injury Rights
A personal injury occurs if you have suffered some form of injury, either physical or psychological, as the result of an accident, you have the right to compensation. The process of collecting that compensation, however, relies on a series of other...
Tips on Cold Weather Running
Tips on Cold Weather Running by Hut Allred Your alarm goes off a 6:00 AM; you jump out of bed to get ready for your run. You look out the window and notice that it’s snowed, the thermometer says its 35 degrees Fahrenheit outside. For a fleeting mo...
Contact lenses make your day
Contact lenses are a choosing subject. And there are more and more people who choose to wear contact lenses, recommended by the ophthalmologist, or because they want to be more free. Because they want a change. Or because they don’t like how...