- Retin-A and Your Acne Problem
- Retin-A is a topical medication used in the treatment of acne. Acne is one of the most prevalent skin disorder experienced by individuals from the United States. This medication should not be applied on the skin without consultation with a dermatolo...
- Arthritis Cure
- Arthritis Cure If you are looking for an arthritis cure that has been medically tested and proven, I am sorry to disappoint you. Currently there is no known cure for arthritis! Researchers however, are not relenting in their efforts to find the caus...
- Training barefoot - is freeing your feet the healthier way
- If you have been living in a cave or just stepped out of the jungle barefoot then you can skip this article. However for most of us with feet that have been shaped and moulded from the shoe then welcome to an emerging trend in training called the 'B...
- The Aquatic Training shoe: Understanding Its Function
- Introduced in the Aquatic training shoes is a deliberately placed series of gills, while exercising at a medium pace, this shoe adds 20-30% more resistance to your leg movement patterns in the water. In essence, this activates more muscle groups in...
- Getting Six Pack Abs is Easier Than You Think
- An interview that will reveal some of the key secrets to losing stomach fat and getting six pack abs much faster... CB: Mike, you have a site, The Truth About Six Pack Abs. So... what the heck is the truth? MG: Well, from what I see on a daily basis...
- Lateral thigh trainer
- Lateral Thigh Trainer Imaginative and agile, lateral thigh trainer is an entirely new approach towards exercising. It is a lateral stepper and thigh master which works in a very creative way to help you tone you body. Lateral thigh trainer can be us...
- LASIK Surgery Guide
- LASIK Surgery Guide Most of the population not only in the United States but also in most part of the world suffers from some kind of eye problems. In United States alone there are millions of individuals suffering from eye problems such as nearsigh...
- Chase That Oreo
- Chase that Oreo I’ve got this great old pair of sneakers. I’ve had them for at least a decade, they’re scuffed and ugly and brown, the big toe pokes through a little and they stink, but man are they cozy. I wish I could wear them everywhere, b...
- State of Mind
- With everything that is going on the world, it may seem that our day-to-day lives are no longer as important as they once were. Or it may even seem selfish to think that our daily activities are even worthy of mentioning. But I truly believe that it...