General Health
Constipation Remedy Using Citrus Juice
Citrus Juices Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts of the body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peris...
Diseases of the colon caused by Constipation
It was estimated that of all the people who died of cancer - colon, lung, prostate, and breast - in 1999 sixteen percent were attributed to colon cancer. But, how many of these other cancers originated in your colon? We do know that colon cancer is...
Eat Fiber and Avoid Constipation
To have regular bowel movements and escape constipation you need to eat more fiber. Fiber from raw vegetable and fruits is better for you than fiber from grains. Why? Raw vegetables and fruits are live foods with enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and man...
Flax Seeds, Seeds, and Nuts for Constipation Relief
Here are a variety of home remedies for constipation using flax seeds with other seeds and nuts. They provide the fiber and oils that you need to relieve constipation. Drinking plenty of water with these home remedies will make them more effective....
Green Drink for Constipation
A green drink is a powerful drink that can help detoxify your colon and your blood. This drink keeps your colon and your whole body working better and longer. There are many types of green drinks that are prepared with powders. But the green drink t...
Selenium and your Thyroid Problems
Selenium is a mineral that has been found to affect the thyroid. Your thyroid is a large endocrine gland located in the back of the neck. It affects your body’s growth and functioning. You could call it the master of your metabolism. It appears th...
10 Natural Remedies for Cold Sores You Can Try Out Today
Many natural remedies are readily available for cold sores. There have been many cases where they have been extremely effective in not only treating the symptoms but also the length and severity of the cold sore outbreak. However, one very important...
Common Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, the surrounding swelling and discomfort is painful. How the body treats this attack to the equalibrium is by attempting to repair the afflicted area, in doing so the surrounding area may have th...
Pneumonia - The simple facts and the cures
What is Pneumonia: Pneumonia is an infection that causes the air sacs in the lungs to fill with fluid, making it hard for you to breathe, and causes you to cough up phlegm. Pneumonia is an ancient Greek word, which means 'lungs'. Pneumonia can occur...