General Health
- Are you chronically dehydrated?
- For many of us, when we hear the term dehydration, we immediately think of a man staggering in the desert, or an athlete having just finished a gruelling event. We are correct in a sense, however these are both examples of acute dehydration. You may...
- Reduce the Volume of Your Ringing in the Ears by Reducing Your Stress
- Nearly a third of the population suffers from Tinnitus; ringing in the ears. And, of that third about 25% percent have it seriously enough to seek medical attention. So, for the millions of tinnitus patients; the ones who are suffering on a daily ba...
- Bad Laptops Versus Healthy Computing
- Computer injuries by bad laptop use never feature in the fantasies peddled to you by manufacturers, educationalists and Internet marketing gurus. Run your internet empire, stay in contact and research and collect streaming information from anywhere...
- The Wisdom of Controlling Your Genetic Blueprint
- Biology is entering into a paradigm shift finally giving up the theory that we are all controlled by our genes. Current science beliefs that we are not as powerful as our genes. The problem with this belief system is it extends to such a degree that...
- The Importance of Drug and Alcohol Rehab
- If you’ve ever had someone you love suffer with the problems stemming from alcoholism or drug abuse, you’re not alone. In fact, about 43% of all adults have been exposed to a family member with alcoholism, with an additional few million added wi...
- Natural Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
- More and more people these days are confronted with cholesterol problems, being at risk of developing heart affections, atherosclerosis, and various other serious conditions linked with abnormal blood cholesterol values. While in some cases high cho...
- High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer Breaks its Silence
- I’ll always remember learning how to measure blood pressure. I learnt the technique as part of my training to become a Personal Trainer. After the correct use of the sphygmomanometer had been demonstrated it was our turn to practice. I measured my...
- Hypertension Influences Your Health
- Hypertension is not an actual illness in itself, but a condition that can make susceptible to the development of other illnesses some of which can be potentially life threatening. The problem with high blood pressure, is that in it's early stages it...
- What Is The Alzheimer's Disease You Ask
- Alzheimer's disease is likely one of the causes of Dementia. It is a chronic disease of the brain which in actuality starts in the cerebral cortex. It is usually defined by the gradual and progressive decay in a person's mental abilities. It impacts...