Skin Care
- Skin Care Using Herbs
- The word ayurveda has been coined by the conjunction of two Sanskrit words, "ayur" meaning life and "Veda" meaning knowledge. The word together means the knowledge of life. In ayurveda the process of ayur (life) is considered as a combined state of...
- Skin Care in Ayurveda
- Skin is the seat of a sense organ. The senses of touch, temperature, pain, pressure are felt by it. A healthy skin always looks attractive even when devoid of make up. The first step in the holistic ayurvedic approach to skin care is finding out you...
- Ayurveda- A Complete Science of Life
- Woman body is wonderfully complex and delicate. She play multiple role in her life like mother, daughter, wife, homemaker is physically and mentally quite taxing. Because of her special reproductive role, she is at risk of some female disorders. Ayu...
- Can Natural Skin Care Techniques Help Cellulite?
- Images of women with beautiful, smooth skin in magazines, on television and in movies could lead you to believe that those unsightly dimples on your thighs are rare. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost all women have some cellulite, and...
- Do Night Creams Really Work as Dry Skin Treatment?
- Hair in rollers, thick night cream slathered on the face, this is the classic comic image of what a woman will go through to look good in the waking hours. But those nighttime creams and moisturizers intended to give us that fresh, dewy look in the...
- Eczema Caused by Dust Mites Is Not Just an Allergy
- Dust mites have long been known to cause and exacerbate eczema. Until recently, this was assumed to be the result of an allergy. However, a new study suggests that the skin conditions associated with dust mites are more than allergic reactions - exp...
- Freckles - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
- Definition: Freckles are flat, circular small spots of melanin on human skin in people of fair complexion. The spots develop randomly on the skin, especially after repeated exposure to sunlight. They may vary in color - they may be red, yellow, tan,...
- Psoriasis Treatment Using Natural Remedies
- If you have Psoriasis or any other skin problem, I know you are always looking for a solution. With psoriasis, the skin breaks out in itchy rashes, unsightly blemishes, and white flakes. In psoriasis, the skin cells multiply quickly causing rashes t...
- Why Hire a Makeup Artist for your Wedding
- Your wedding day is coming up and you are wondering if you should hire a makeup artist. You’ve found your dream dress and all the shoes and accessories that go with it. You spent months planning your bridesmaids’ outfits and all the details conc...