Skin Care
- Shielding Lotion Relieves Treatment-Related Dry Skin Sufferers
- More than half a million people may die of cancer in 2006, according to projections issued by the American Cancer Society. However with today’s modern treatments, a cancer diagnosis no longer means the worst, especially if caught early – somethi...
- Dry Skin Could Be a Symptom of Kidney Disease
- The kidneys are responsible for a number of vital functions. Although acute or severe disease of the kidneys produces symptoms that you would probably not ignore, chronic degeneration may result in symptoms that are too mild or too general to warran...
- Good News for Dry Skin sufferers: Airlines Relax Restrictions on Liquids
- Earlier this week, the Transportation Security Administration announced that passengers may now bring liquids and gels in carry-on bags on U.S. flights. Trial-sized containers holding up to 3 ounces will be permitted as long as they are in a quart-s...
- Renova Cream Removes Acne and Glows Your Skin
- A healthy body without a healthy skin is quite unthinkable. Healthy skin of a woman reflects her personality. Hence, proper care should be taken so as to keep it healthy. Usage of Renova cream is one such method to keep the skin glowing. It can also...
- Smooth Face, A Dream Of One And All, Retin-A Realizes
- Youth is the name of excitements, passion, wishes, energies and attraction. Attraction starts from face and penetrates deep in the heart. Puberty brings a natural glow which is easily visible on the faces of newly young people. This glow makes a per...
- Proper Skin Care Treatment for Common Conditions
- There are major benefits to having radiant skin. When you have beautiful skin you will stand out among other people. The healthiness inside your body is also included in having good skin. For those who suffer from skin diseases you should do proper...
- The Benefits of Vitamin C Skin Products
- A popular anti skin aging ingredient is Vitamin C. In anti skin aging treatment Vitamin C is the most effective ingredient. The skin receives many good benefits from Vitamin C. Not only does this vitamin help get rid of the free radicals that can da...
- Dry Skin Study Favors Shielding Lotion as Anti-Aging Therapy
- A new study on the shielding lotion, Skin MD Natural, had surprising results when this dry skin treatment increased in its ability over time to retain moisture in the skin, when all other products tested actually decreased in functionality, accordin...
- Should Astringents be Part of Your Natural Skin Care Routine?
- Years ago, Paul Newman said that he keeps his youthful good looks by plunging his head into a bucket of ice water every morning. This habit was no doubt adopted by many young men all over the world, although they probably did not understand why it w...