Skin Care
- Are Alpha Hydroxy Acids Safe for Dry Skin?
- Alpha hydroxy acids have become standard treatment for a variety of skin problems – including dry skin. Lotions containing low concentrations of the acids are available over the counter, and in higher concentrations from your doctor. The acids are...
- Skin Care - Warts
- Warts are a type of skin lesion and are of many types and shapes. These may be flat and smooth, large, small, itching, painful, bleeding, dry, oozing, hard, soft, in crops or isolated etc. Most of them are non-cancerous in nature and can be treated...
- Skin Care - Freckles
- Freckles are flat, irregular spots develop randomly on the skin, particularly on the cheeks. They vary in color but are always darker than the normal skin around them. They are more prominent in persons of fair complexion. Causes of Development One...
- Rosacea Stops When You Listen to Natural Skin Care Tips
- Rosacea is a long-term disease that affects the skin and sometimes the eyes. Its symptoms include redness, pimples, and, in later stages, thicker skin. In most cases, Rosacea targets the face. It is a common skin disease but is very dangerous if not...
- Dry Skin Becomes Moist and Supple with Coconuts
- If you’ve been reading health magazines, or even some of the mainstream women’s magazines, you have probably heard about the health benefits of coconut oil. One of the most dramatic changes it can make is in your skin. For protection against har...
- Give Your Natural Skin Care a Boost with Vegetable Juices
- Healthy skin, and good health in general, requires a diet high in fresh vegetables, but nutritionists say we would need to consume 15 pounds of raw vegetables and fruits every day to fully nourish our bodies. Many health-conscious people solve this...
- Rosacea Treatment With Natural Skin Care Tips
- Rosacea is a very common skin problem. The effects of Rosacea are very devastating for both men and women. Besides affecting the texture of the skin it affects the looks. Rosacea characteristically attacks the face, but is also found in other parts...
- Tattoo Removal Procedure
- Tattoo removal surgery has recently become more popular for various reasons. A patient should do their research and give the surgery some serious thought before proceeding. If you are considering having a tattoo removed, the first thing you want to...
- Are Mineral Oil Products Safe and Effective for Dry Skin Treatment?
- Although mineral oil is used liberally in many body-care products, it has been surrounded by controversy for decades. Some reputable sources say it is extremely dangerous and should never be used on the body, while others say it is safe, natural, he...