Skin Care
- Treatment Of Acne With Proper Medication
- Acne vulgaris is commonly known as pimples. Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease. Acne affects human body at the beginning of puberty. The intensity of the disease generally lowers down after crossing teenage. The disease equally affects both me...
- Protect your skin from the sun with a rash guard
- The first question you may have is, “what exactly is a rash guard?” A rash guard, (AKA: rashguard, rashie, surf shirt and other names), is a shirt made of nylon lycra that is designed to be worn in the water to protect your skin. It’s designed...
- Does Dry Skin Cause Wrinkles?
- Many people slather on moisturizers every day thinking that they will reduce or prevent dry skin, and that, in turn they will reduce or prevent wrinkles. Is it true? Many things that cause wrinkles have nothing to do with whether or not the skin is...
- Foods High in Squalene Are Vital for Natural Skin Care
- What do olive oil, sharks, wheat germ, tuna, and rice bran have in common? An unsaturated oil that no one concerned with their skin should be without – squalene. Whether you have an existing skin condition, or just want to make sure you don’t ge...
- Are Zinc Ointments A Safe Natural Skin Care Treatment Option?
- For nearly a century zinc ointments have been a common natural skin care treatment for dry skin, acne, dermatitis, rashes, cuts, eczema, and just about every other skin problem. However, the newer products on the market contain so many harmful chemi...
- Is Mineral Make-Up a Good Choice for Natural Skin Care?
- Mineral make-up is currently all the rage. Only one small company made it a few years ago, and now some of the major skin care manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon. Much of its appeal comes from it being advertised as natural and non-toxic. Na...
- Dehydration May Be a Major Cause of Eczema
- Dehydration is far more common and detrimental than most people think. Although many have heard of the extremes – the conditions that result in hospital visits – dehydration occurs on a gradient scale. Any departure from the ideal affects your g...
- Dry Skin Conditions Cause Emotional Trauma in School Children
- A recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology revealed that the quality of life for school children is heavily affected by dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions. Many commonly-used drugs for these problems are not ap...
- Dry Skin Conditions Cause Emotional Trauma in School Children
- A recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology revealed that the quality of life for school children is heavily affected by dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions. Many commonly-used drugs for these problems are not ap...