Weight Loss
- Your Health, Weight Loss, and what to do about it.
- As a health care consumer today, you are faced with many decisions concerning doctors, prescriptions, hospitals, long term care, health insurance, and medical privacy. We've brought together some of the best information on the Internet to help you m...
- The Basics of the Anti-Cellulite Diet
- Cellulite is a very common skin condition that afflicts millions of women across the world. Cellulite mainly affects the legs, buttocks, but it can also be found in many different regions. The appearance of cellulite makes it look like the dimpled s...
- How Your Body Uses Energy Supplies
- The first fuel tank of energy for your body is your blood sugar. It is a combination of proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fats (not body fat) put into the bloodstream shortly after eating, through the digestion process. When food is digested the e...
- Acomplia diet drug: A magic pill to cut your flab
- Among the various diet medicines available today to make people slimmer, Acomplia diet tablets are very effective and popular. Acomplia was approved in UK as an appetite suppressant for treatment of obesity. It is one of very widely known diet pills...
- Stomach surgery: control your appetite craving
- Are you overweight and don’t have control over your uncontrollable appetite craving? If yes then it is quite possible that you must have tried enough to loose weight. Only going for a dietician or following a particular exercise regimen is not suf...
- Battling Childhood Obesity with Personal Trainers
- More and more parents are hiring personal trainers to work with their children to help combat childhood obesity. Thousands of children who are turning to professionals to get in shape. Last year, more than 1 million American youngsters used personal...
- Stomach Band-transforms fat to fit
- Stomach band has become a very in thing these days, as it is getting famous with people with weight problems and with also who do not need to worry about. It has also become famous with many movie personalities and especially with the television act...
- The Japanese Diet - a Diet To Lose Weight, Remain Slim and Be Healthy!
- For no people on earth is it more true than the Japanese, when you say, “you are what you eat”. The Japanese are, by all accounts, the people with the least obesity problem, the highest longevity rate, and best health record. What are they eatin...
- A Review of the Atkins Diet Plan
- The Atkins diet first appeared in the 1970s and has grown popularity in recent years in response to the low-fat diet craze. As dieters had trouble with low-fat plans, they searched for a new solution and Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution book found a n...