Weight Loss
Are Low Carb Diets Good or Bad for Weight Loss Success?
Everybody has heard of low carb" diets -- since they are emerging as the newest trend in dieting. But do they really work? ...And if so, are they the solution to weight loss that everybody is looking for? We don? think so, because most low carb diet...
How to Keep Your Diet When You Don't Eat In
It isn't a surprise to find out that your "oh so favorite" plate of food is, "oh so fattening". Let's face it, when chefs are putting together their menu, they're thinking taste not calories. And why is it that the more calories a meal has, the more...
Staying Positive About Weight Loss
I know how hard it is to lose weight. Like many people, I was there once. The most difficult thing is getting started, so if you are reading this and have already decided to take that first step and go for it, then congratulations, you've made the m...
Where to Start When You Want to Lose Weight
When it comes to losing weight, trust me, you are not alone. It's estimated that over half of the American population is overweight and the majority of those people are in some way or another involved in some sort of diet or otherwise in the efforts...
Diet pills are safe way to lose weight
Gaining weight is easy. With some extra calories in your food, you can enter into the unhealthy world of obesity. Most of the people today, are overweight because of their mismanaged lifestyle. These people hardly spare time for their looks. Also th...
Have you tried a Low Carb Diet Yet?
People on low carb diets may sometimes feel deprived when it comes to starchy and sugary or sweets foods, but there is a saving grace, and that does not have to worry too much about total fat. It is true that there is no solid evidence that eating a...
Green Tea-Weight loss is just one of its benefits
If you live in the Western Hemisphere, you may have just recently learned about the health benefits of Green Tea that the Chinese have known about for centuries. In China, green tea has been used to treat everything from headaches to depression. Som...
A Review of The Best Life Diet
The best life diet was created by Oprah Winfrey's personal trainer and fitness expert Bob Greene. The Best Life Diet is comprised of 3 phases and centred on the idea of making small gradual changes to your lifestyle, transforming your old unhealthy...
Weight Loss Surgery- is a way to a healthier life!
As they say exercise and eating right are the best ways to lose weight. Well think again, as these methods are losing sheen with time. Ever heard of weight loss surgery? Then my dear you are on the right track because we are here to solve your probl...