Weight Loss
You are what you eat! There is more and more evidence showing that diet ( nutrition ) is a factor in avoiding disease and maintaining wellbeing. Moderation, variety, and balance are the keywords. *Moderation means not eating too much of a particular...
Hoodia and Efficacy: Go Hand In Hand
Is herbal weight loss on your mind? For the herbal weight loss, Hoodia has been in the news for helping out several individuals with their stubborn flab. If you in doubt about its efficacy, then you could be rest assured as it has been used for cent...
Fad Diets do not work!
Fad Diets do not work! - Fad diets do not work because they are unrealistic for the average person. The world is full of fat people. Don't be offended by what I just said - it's true. I know because I tried every one of them (or tried to try) and wh...
what is healthy weight loss
Perhaps the last time you had a checkup at your doctor's office, he or she recommended that you drop a little weight. A person's ideal weight depends on several factors, including age, gender, your bodyframe size, the amount of exercise you get, and...
Walking For Exercise
Almost everyone everywhere can profit from walking for exercise. You may see in the news broadcasts that different individuals are getting bigger and bigger, and some of these individuals are so overweight that they cannot fit in conventional ways....
Pro-athletes stay motivated and at peak performance by using an exercise journal
Most of us enjoy watching professional athletes, at the peak of their performance, participate in their sports. There is such a wide variety of professional sports to choose from, ranging from football, soccer, basketball, baseball, track and field,...
Getting Rid of Those Few Extra Pounds
Trying to lose weight can sometimes feel overwhelming. Much of what determines how much weight we gain or lose is based on our metabolism and its complex chemical process. To understand how our metabolism works can give us insight on how to control...
Can You Stop Metabolic Syndrome?
It may be possible to win the battle against metabolic syndrome according to a new study at the University of Pennsylvania says study leader Matthew R. Hayes. A recent study put 4 men and 16 women with metabolic syndrome on the South Beach diet for...
How to use a calorie calculator
It is easy to let the pounds add up as you get older. People with hectic jobs and long work hours often find that they don't take the time to prepare health foods for meals, and instead reach for snacks--soda that contains large amounts of corn syru...