Weight Loss
- Winning Ideas for Staying Fit on the Road
- Your summer travels don't have to mean taking a break from your fitness plan. As you hit the road, follow these winning fitness ideas and enjoy the results. Bring Your GearYou've heard the slogan "never leave home without it." That's great to rememb...
- Jeanie's Secret Plateau Buster
- When clients who are trying to lose weight hit a plateau, they come to me frustrated, upset and tired. They may be trying a popular weight loss program, only to find it doesn't work for them and they can't stick with it. Or they may be doing the sam...
- Gut Flora and Weight Loss
- The bacteria that live in your GI tract are one of the most overlooked and vaguely understood components of both weight loss and longevity.There are a host of weight and health related problems that come from imbalances or problems with your intesti...
- Adipex: Lose Weight Effectively
- In the mad rush for weight loss, we often tend to go out of our way in adopting extreme measures to shed those pounds. It’s not uncommon to hear of people going to extremities like starving, rigorous exercise for losing weight. These may be benefi...
- Looking Like a Movie Star
- Adding an exercise activity to your daily routine will definitely help you achieve that heavenly goal of looking like one of those healthy Hollywood movie stars. Even if it is the first time you decide to begin a routine to shape yourself up, it doe...
- Lap Band Surgery
- Is Lap Band Surgery the Appropriate Weight Loss Method for You? Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery, a.k.a. "lap band" surgery is a very popular procedure for obesity patients wanting to overcome the need to eat continuously. In layman t...
- A dietitian's approach towards fast weight-loss programs
- Weight Loss Quickies When trying to lose weight, it is normal for typical programs to set goals of weight loss between 1 and 2 pounds per week (~ ½ to 1 kg ). This may not seem like a lot but this type of weight loss actually helps keep the weight...
- An Inside Look at Cellulite and Cellulite Treatments
- Cellulite is an esthetic nightmare! Though it isn't directly harmful to our health, it does invade our bodies in such a way that we start to feel ugly. When this happens our self esteem is compromised. What is Cellulite and How does it Affect Us? It...
- Drinking Your Way to a Healthy Body
- While dieting it is important to watch what you drink just as much as you watch what you eat. A great number of beverages and "healthy" fruit juices are packed with high amounts of sugar and will cause weight gain if not properly burned off. This ac...