Weight Loss
- Excessive weight problem - deep insight
- Excessive weight problem, or obesity in its progressive form, has taken hold of many lives. Very few people can honestly say that no one in their family is overweight. What makes this disease so widespread? Be it a brother, a sister, an uncle, aunt,...
- To eat or not to eat? It depends on what you gonna do about it!
- The United States Department of Agriculture (more commonly known as the USDA) has determined that there is no “one size fits all” plan when it comes to recommending the appropriate caloric intake requirements for individuals. Calories affect eac...
- Behavior, not Genetics, is accused in obesity claim
- Though it is widely believed that genetics play a major role on obesity and overweight conditions, a recent study has determined that the current data we have available does not support this belief. The study conducted by American College of Sports...
- Eating a Healthy Diet
- One of the important things you can do for your overall health is to eat a healthy diet. Your diet affects your weight and increases your risks of health diseases. Deciding a healthy diet is easier to say than to do because it is tempting to eat les...
- Losing Weight with Supplements
- Many consumers find that they are wasting their hard-earned money and that many of the supplements have no effect on their waistline, and the only thing that is slimming down is the wallet. Physicians warn that many unscrupulous marketers will make...
- Weight Loss Surgery: get yourself a new look
- God has made all his creations beautiful and we as humans should make sure that we continue looking the way god has made us. At times due to circumstances, we tend to ignore the way we look. This at times leads to some major problems wherein we late...
- What Phentermine does and what it does not?
- Since the problem of excessive weight became sort of an epidemic which has affected more people than you may think, people started to heed to medical handling in order to take a grasp on their weight loss success. Now, there is a prescribed drug cal...
- Gastric bypass helps you get rid of obesity
- We have enjoyed scores of movies where somewhere in the plot the leading woman is so depressed that she gives up food completely. Real life for me however does not seem to follow reel life. The more depressed I am the more I eat and the scary part i...
- Weight Loss Body Balance
- Weight Loss Body Balance: Dieting, Exercise and Rest. We all know that diet is just part of the formula to lose weight. Stay away from fried foods. Eat lots of fresh fruit, salads and cereals. Cook with olive oil or canola oil. Eat smaller portions....