Weight Loss
Design your day: How to plan the best home workout for you
As 2008 begins, many people decide on New Years Resolutions that include losing weight, getting more exercise and just generally getting their body in better condition. Unfortunately, most of these people will not stay with a program. The reasons fo...
Healthy and Safe Exercises for Children
It's important that children get a lot of exercise. While it is easy to keep them occupied with television, DVDs, video games, and a playroom full of toys, it is not always so easy to get them moving. Varying the types of exercises you want the chil...
A History of Exercise in America - Popularity and Trends
In colonial times in America, there was little attention paid to specific exercise movements as we would think of them today. For the most part, life on a daily basis required hard physical labor. The struggling colonists had to work their bodies ju...
Loosing never felt so good!
When we talk weight loss we think fat. That's all you hear today. Burning fat, binding fat, good fat, bad fat... Some people are talking calories, how to minimize the intake, how to burn faster! Honestly we should worry about both. We should make su...
The Basic Difference Between Herbalife and Other Weight Loss Programs
Herbalife have been offering quality supplements and weight loss programs since 1982. Mark Hughes started Herbalife selling products out of the back of his car, and today Herbalife has reached a 2 billion dollar turnover and climbing. It is now avai...
Adipex: is it effective for causing weight loss?
Losing weight has emerged to be a matter of prime concern among various obese individuals worldwide following the recent awareness regarding the disastrous effects of obesity on the human body. Needless to say that in this era of consumerism along w...
Therma Zan supplements for causing weight loss
In case of choosing one among the various weight loss supplements available in the market, it is necessary for one to keep certain factors in the mind. The first and foremost among them is to ensure that the product must be accredited or certified b...
Lipovox for facilitating weight loss
Medical science has progressed by leaps and bounds in recent times and scientists have been successful in devising different modes of treatment for treating various ailments. One of the biggest health concerns threatening human beings at present is...
Why Low Carb Diets Work
You just got home, it is about 4 or 5 pm, dinner is hours away, you’ve decided to reduce the carbohydrate consumption in your diet, now what? What are you going to do? The chips, candy, and other carb-laden munchies are handy and sound good but ar...