Weight Loss
- Xenical - Adding Potential to Your Health
- Xenical is a gelatin capsule that comes in deep blue color with soft blue shades. The basic ingredient of these capsules is orlistat. And the amount of orlistat contained in each of these capsules is 120 gm. However, the main aim of these capsules i...
- Be proud of your new look after a weight loss surgery
- The way to a man’s heart is through the stomach they say, but little do we realize that our stomach, or rather what we put into our stomach, could be the major contributing factor in the way we lead our life. The present lifestyle consists of a ra...
- The Feng Shui Life Can Help You Lose Weight
- Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement, which controls the flow of Chi around you. Living a Feng Shui life can help you with many things, including losing weight. If you create an environment that disrupts the natural flow of good Chi, yo...
- Weight loss programs for Teens
- Teen weight loss programs are a bit different then programs for adults, mostly depending on the age. However, being a teen doesn't mean that it will be harder for you do achieve anything, because as with any other person on this world, achieving goa...
- Medical Outsourcing
- Dictionary.com defines outsourcing as “a practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally”. The term which has been generally associated with the auto...
- Exercise weight loss and diet pills
- Home exercise weight loss oriented programs are a cheap alternative for hiring a personal trainer to lose weight. However, this is not necessarily the best approach towards exercise to shred extra pounds. In fact, who said that exercise is the best...
- Getting Off The Diet Roller-Coaster
- In my work as a woman-centred psychotherapist, I have found that the habit of dieting is at the root of all women’s dysfunctional relationships with eating. The fact is that we live in a society that is obsessed with thinness and surveys have foun...
- What is the Raw Food Diet?
- Have you heard about the Raw Food Diet? Also known as Living Foods Diet is gaining popularity and a buzz, The power of raw foods is not only one of the most well-known "rejuvenation" secrets of celebrities and Hollywood stars like Demi Moore, Pierce...
- Watch Your Weight While Enjoying the Holiday Season
- Holidays like Christmas is a time where people often get excess weight because of the countless gathering, parties and other social activities because these occasion is simply a great time for family and friends to get together. Eating is the favori...