Weight Loss
Atkins Diet Facts and Fantasies
Most people have false impression that the Atkins Diet is a non carbohydrate, high protein, high fat, free for all. It isn't. What the Atkins Diet does is teach you to eat the kind of carbs that your body processes most efficiently plant based carbs...
Obesity and Acomplia
The industrial revolution gave us a lot of things that we take for granted. Today, we can’t think of life without electricity. The computer, internet or television are no longer luxury items, they are the necessity of every household. It’s quite...
Surgical Tourism
Surgery isn’t the first or even the last thing that comes to mind when you think tourism and vice versa. As misnomered as it may sound, but surgical tourism is what is happening in the health care industry today. Surgical tourism, also known as me...
Natural Sweeteners: Which One Should You Take?
There are many natural sweeteners to choose from if you want to avoid sugar, but don't want any of the artificial sweeteners over which there are a few questions. You can choose from xylitol, luo han, stevia and others, but before discussing these,...
The Pros and Cons of Lap Band Surgery
In the quest to find the ultimate weight loss solution, medical researchers have come up with a variety of procedures and diets. One of them is lap band surgery. This is a simple procedure wherein a lap band (short for laparoscopic gastric band) is...
Try A 7 Day Detox and Weight Loss Diet Plan
You won't want to stay on a detox and weight loss diet for a long period of time, but you might want to consider trying one for one week. Don't skimp on nutrients, though. Here are sensible meal ideas for one week that will help you achieve the resu...
Yo-Yo Dieting - Why It Happens And How To Stop It
Yo-yo dieting is a repeated loss and gain of body weight due to excessive dieting. It's a term often associated with fad diets that cause you to gain more weight than you initially lose. Sometimes it's also called weight cycling. Yo-yo dieting is a...
Issues Involed with Teen Weight Loss
Issues Involed with Teen Weight Loss Have you ever wondered about teen weight loss ? This article was written to help point you in the right direction with some basic information and to make you aware of this growing problem. There's no misgiving th...
Step-by-Step Guide to Medical Tourism
Going overseas for surgical treatment can be overwhelming for anybody. After all, it’s not like going to a hospital down the road where you have been to before and know all the doctors and nurses. To be successful in your pursuit of low-cost high...