- The sinus infection headache
- Nowadays there are many advertisements for pills that treat sinus infection and many people have come to think that all their headaches are caused by a sinus infection. This is very untrue, because there are many differences between a sinus infectio...
- The fact of bleeding in pregnant women
- As well as felling joyfulness and happiness because the baby is coming , women can also feel troubled some times. Risks do exist and problems do occur. The most scary fact in pregnant women is the bleeding that some of them might experience at some...
- The causes of early menopause
- In some cases, the causes of early menopause are clear, but there are situations when you keep asking why did that happen, and have no idea which can be the cause.A common cause of premature ovarian failure can be an autoimmune disorder. When this h...
- The causes of diabetes and the risks this disease brings to a patient
- Diabetes is an affection which occurs is the body has a problem in making or using the insulin. The role of the insulin is to take the glucose from the blood and move it to cells which use it for producing energy. If the insulin is not enough or it...
- Some of the skin symptoms provoked by eczema
- It was seen that eczema symptoms vary from person to person but, however, the most usual symptoms are dry, itchy skin, rashes on the cheeks, arms, and legs, and cracks behind the ears. Itching is an important symptom of eczema, and those with atopic...
- Prevention, treatment and complications of Rosacea
- The first therapy step in caring for Rosacea symptoms is to avoid all possible triggers leading to the exacerbation of the condition. Patients must monitor their sun exposure and always wear skin care products while being exposed to the sun shines....
- How to keep diabetes under control?
- In order to improve the diabetic patient's condition the doctor needs to apply a treatment which will reduce the level of glucose in blood and will keep it constant. This way the symptoms will disappear gradually and the patient will feel better. In...
- Description of lymphoma
- The first notice as painless enlarged lymph nodes (adenopathy or lymphadenopathy) is lymphoma. Generally enlarged lymph nodes do not mean lymphoma. The diagnosis of lymphoma can be determined or excluded by a biopsy and subsequent pathology evaluati...
- The three types of lupus
- Lupus is a rare condition, but it can be a very difficult one. When you suffer from lupus, more than one of your organs may be affected. There are three lupus types that one can suffer from: systemic, discoid and lupus induced by drugs. The discoid...