General Health
Low Back Pain in the Workplace... Do Those Low Back Belts Really Work?
Back injuries are the leading cause of disability in the United States for people younger than 45 years of age and have been the most expensive health care problem for the 30-50 year old age group . There is evidence that low back belts are helpful...
The Cause of Back Pain
While there are many factors that can contribute to back pain, one of the most common problems is poor posture. Some people get into the habit of sitting or standing improperly, and over time this contributes to pain in their backs. Understanding th...
Planning Is A Key Ingredient
Busy Busy This week things got so busy and before I knew it I had no food left in my apartment and over the last two days I found myself grabbing refined foods I wouldn't normally eat unless it was a special occasion. As a result by the end of yeste...
30-day Wear Contact Lenses - Pros and Cons
Contact lenses that you can put in and wear continuously for many days are the dream of many contact lens wearers. No fuss about cleaning, storing , inserting or removing them -sounds convenient, doesn’t it? But is it safe? Find out if extended we...
A Psychological Approach To Quit Smoking
Smoking habits in most cases have to do with psychological addiction. It is not the lack of nicotine that represents the hardest obstacle to quit smoking. Though overcoming the physical cravings for nicotine can be difficult, overcoming psychologica...
ACAI Berry Named Top 10 Superfoods For Anti-Aging by Dr. Nicholas Perricone
The benefits from eating healthy are endless. And, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, some foods can be eaten to help you look and age better! At the top of the list is the acai fruit from the Amazon forest. This little berry is one of the most nu...
Best Treadmill? A Home Treadmill - Because It Helps Burn More Calories
Best treadmill seekers: here's news. The best treadmill to have is the home treadmill because research shows you burn more calories. Did you know? A weight loss study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that people w...
Deciding on a Fitness Center: Tips for Choosing
Joining one of the many fitness centers in your area can have a lot of benefits, but can also be a big expense. Since most centers ask you to sign contracts that can be difficult to cancel, make sure that joining a fitness center is for you and that...
Eye Care: Make Your Eyes Look Beautiful and Let It Say Your Heart's Voice
Ralph Waldo Emerson very rightly said, "One of the most wonderful things in nature is a glance of the eye; it transcends speech; it is the bodily symbol of identity". Eye is cosidered to be an integral party of one's beauty and we at times completel...