General Health
- Rheumatoid Arthritis Supplement
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease where the synovial membranes lining in certain joints and sometimes other parts of the body are attacked by the immune system. This causes the synovial membranes lining to become inflamed,...
- Russian Kettlebell Workout
- Russian Kettlebells are amazing! These kettlebell workouts may be the answer to maintaining a home gym or having an expensive club membership. With Russian kettlebells you can develop superior gains over traditional workout methods and save lots of...
- Some Tips on Stopping Smoking
- Are you looking for tips on stopping smoking? And would you like to know what are some ways to help quit? Now let me remind you that when we come to the actual quitting process, that it is not going to be easy. Please do not consider yourself to be...
- Learn How Your Business Can Pay for Your Insurance and Medical Expenses
- If you are self-employed, your income is subject to a 15.3% self-employment FICA tax. Added to a 28% Federal income tax and a 5% state income tax, this could leave you paying nearly 50% of your income to the government. Fortunately, most self-employ...
- Natural Arthritis Supplements
- Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine are natural substance found in our bodies. Glucosamine plays an important role in cartilage formation. Chondrotin sulfate is a type of molecular protein that makes cartilage elastic. There are nutritional suppleme...
- Taking the Pimples Out of PMS
- “Nooooo!” shrieks Shelly. Gazing into the morning mirror, she sizes up the latest addition to her face, an anticipated, though uninvited pimple loitering on her chin. “It’s like freaking clockwork.” Ironically, these pimples do arrive like...
- The Basics of Anti-Aging Skin Care
- The very first question most people have when exploring the realm of anti-aging skin care is, “What skin rejuvenation products have been proven to be effective”? Accurate information regarding the multitude of anti-aging treatments flooding the...
- What is an Advanced Health Care Directive and Why Do I Need One?
- Advanced health care directives are written instructions that communicate your wishes regarding care and treatment should you no longer be able to make your own health care decisions. Some directives are broken down into two parts - a Living Will an...
- What You Should Know About Lasik Eye Surgery
- Lasik eye surgery has been big news on the vision front. With many people flocking to have the procedure done it has become one of the most popular eye surgeries. The idea that lasik is a solution for anyone with bad vision also proves that much is...