General Health
Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment, Products and Tips
Why to let people know your age when you can keep them guessing? But shedding off years from your appreance isnt always a piece of cake. At times, it can present a picture where you are trying a bit too hard which you should avoid. But there are som...
Anti-aging Skin Products
Anti- aging skin products have completely revolutionized the concept of skin care. If you are ‘blessed’ with a dry type of skin then you have the best reasons to feel worried and anti-aging products are absolutely essential for you. After washin...
Everything Old Is New Again: Rebuilding Your Vision
Glasses, contacts, or surgery. These are the usual choices offered to those of us with bad vision. Orlin Sorensen, though, needed an alternative. A commercial airline pilot who found himself in jeopardy of being downsized after the 9/11 tragedies, S...
Exactly What Causes Hot Flashes During Menopause, Anyway?
Doctors do not know exactly what causes hot flashes. Because of the health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy, more and more women are interested in learning how to control hot flashes the natural way. Hot flashes are symptoms of meno...
The Benefits of a Cleanse
Taking a break is something we could all use. But when life doesn’t allow us the luxury, we need to make sure that we’re doing something to help our bodies keep up. With a cleanse, you can enable your body to withstand the rigors of your busy li...
Home Remedy For Hair Loss
Worried that you hair has been falling a lot lately? Well there are a lot of people facing the same problem, so you are not alone. Some of the most common reasons for hair fall are bad diet, tension and stress as well as sickness. Here are some tips...
How To Meditate Without Even Trying
I remember when I started trying to meditate. I would sit down, close my eyes, and try to be really calm (my definition of meditation at the time). That was hard: my head would burst with ideas, thoughts, solutions, problems… I would become agitat...
Natural Remedy For Yeast Infection
Yeast infections are the result of an overgrowth of the Candida albicans found normally in the vagina. Symptoms include a thick, sometimes yellowish, discharge with a starchy odor accompanied by itching and burning. The itching is the most unpleasan...
Older Women And HIV
HIV infections are on the rise. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Americans over 50 who are infected with HIV have grown over 5 times (16,300 people in 1995, to 90,600 in 2003). While seniors represent a...