- Advice on how to eat healthier
- There are times when you have so much that you have to do and so little time to do it, that eating a healthy meal is the last concern on your mind. Nowadays this happens very often and not to mention that temptation of eating junk food is everywhere...
- Aches and pains a pregnant woman complains about
- One of the most irritating problems of pregnancy is morning sickness and nausea. About 80% of the pregnant ladies complain of these symptoms at least at the beginning of the pregnancy or at least from time to time, it is the most common tribulation...
- What you should know about muscle and joint pain in lupus
- Studies revealed that 90% of people with lupus experience joint and/or muscle pain at some time during this illness.Very often, the aching pain in joints and muscles can determine the patient believe he has a viral or flu-like illness, while other p...
- Ways of preventing urinary tract infection
- Kidney infection, also known as pyelonephritis can damage your kidneys for good, or cause a life-threatening infection if it spreads to your bloodstream. That is why it must be treated properly, so medical help is needed immediately. Usually, kidney...
- Used methods for killing leukemia
- The most common treatment for leukemia is the chemotherapy.The therapy for children is produced by radiation and it is used only to treat leukemia in the central nervous system and the testicles.Unfortunately leukemia cannot be cured by surgery.A st...
- Treatment for menopause
- Menopause is a natural occurring process in aging women. It is the biological way of stopping the body’s abilities to produce babies. Time has no mercy on anyone. Being natural, the actual menopause doesn’t need any treatment; the drugs that are...
- Treatment for atopic eczema
- Unfortunately, there is no cure for atopic eczema found yet. The only treatment that exists for atopic eczema is to control and ameliorate the symptoms for atopic eczema. In cases of atopic eczema you can treat this condition at home. Some of the re...
- The second type of diabetes: type 2 diabetes
- There are two important types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The last is more common than the diabetes type 1, which is mostly found in younger persons. The second diabetes type develops mostly in people that are over 40 years old. Because...
- The impact that fibromylagia has on people
- The most common and disturbing of symptoms of fibromylagia are by far the constant pain and ache felt by the patients. They have been said to be similar to the ones felt in a bad case of flue. Other times they have been said to be gnawing and actual...