Appendicitis in children
The most frequent and important symptom of appendix inflammation in children especially male ones are vague abdominal pains. Most often this sign stands for appendicitis in male subjects with an increased incidence in older children and teenagers. T...
Adult Acne Treatment
For many years the condition of acne has been mostly associated with teenagers and is perceived to only affect people during adolescence. Since it is very common among teens, it was assumed that the hormone levels teens have directly caused acne, an...
What is the role of the gallbladder in our organism?
Many people are asking themselves what is useful for the gallbladder because they see that gallbladders are removed quite frequently when causing problems. The gallbladder interferes in the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients for the bo...
What is Leukemia?
Today, one of the most dangerous and incurable condition seems to be cancer. It has no actual cure for mostly of the tissues it affects, especially when it reaches vital organs such as heart, lungs or blood. The blood tissue form of cancer is known...
What are the possible causes of schizophrenia?
Scientists are doing their best to find out the exact causes of schizophrenia and for that they are doing biochemistry studies, molecular biology studies and genetic studies. One study has proved that in those who have schizophrenia a neurochemical...
Ways of treating hernia
Hernia is a muscle tissues problem. Hernia is classified in three categories: inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia and incisional hernia. Its treatment seams to be evolving in the last decades because of the introduction of the tension-free repair, the...
Ways of seeing how diabetes is controlled
There are two ways that doctors use to see how diabetes in a person is controlled. One way to see how diabetes is controlled is by measuring the levels of glucose in your blood. The second way in assessing the control of diabetes is by measuring gly...
Understanding fibromylgia
The most common symptoms that are present in fibromylgia patients would be achy pain through out the body, stiffness in the soft tissue ( muscles, tendons and ligaments) and the constant sensation of discomfort. Actual alternatives of the disease ha...
Treatments for eczema
There are many people that suffer from eczema and the treatment they need for this condition, eczema is a special one. Nowadays many efforts are being done do discover eczema treatments or to cure other skin conditions, because the number of people...